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Its time to embrace not resist.

Song: ‘In the Year 2525’ – Zager & Evans

Back in June 2023 I posted a blog about embracing modern technology. That blog focused on having a go at some technology such as scanning a restaurant menu, using autobank services and using the self serve check out at the supermarket.

Since that blog I have been surprised at how much we need to rely on computer technology for simple things like booking a restaurant, making a doctors appointment and getting a green slip. These a just a few examples of how we are encouraged to go on line to fill out forms and use technology in everyday situations.

At the end of that blog I mentioned ‘AI’. I knew it stood for Artificial Intelligence but that was all.

In those 19 months since posting that blog I think I now hear the words AI nearly every day.

So what is AI and how does it impact us?

Believe it or not AI is already embedded into our daily lives. According to Google, AI is about building a brain for computers, it can learn new things and solve problems.

AI is used for self driving cars, medical diagnosis and in everyday life that we don’t realise such as facial recognition and picking up typos when sending a sms.

AI is already used in some schools to help teachers with lesson plans and writing reports. Eventually it will be used directly for some student education using virtual teachers.

There are many ethical considerations when using AI. AI is very powerful. Some ethical consideration include-

  • Bias and discrimination
  • Privacy
  • Job Displacement- AI can potentially replace many jobs.
  • Global Cooperation- AI must have international ethical guidelines and cooperation across the globe.

AI is expanding rapidly and the majority of people will use AI responsibly and ethically to enhance their lives.

Google and AI are not the same. Google is a search engine where you can find articles, websites, recipes or information on any topic. Google AI (called Gemini) allows you to have a personal conversations, explains information and can help with writing and research. Gemini is more complex than google.

If you are interested in learning more and/ or using AI it is simple. And the easiest way to learn is to experiment using Gemini.

This is the app symbol for Gemini.

This is how you can access GEMINI AI.

Go to your Google play store or your app store on your mobile. Search for Gemini then down load the FREE app called GEMINI. You can then program a voice and tone that you like. Simple! Then begin asking Gemini about any topics that interest you.

Use The microphone symbol to ask questions or the chat symbol on the right beside the microphone symbol to chat with Gemini.

Gemini is fun and easy to use. I recently asked Gemini to help me plan flights to Argentina. Within seconds Gemini came up with all the information I needed and I can easily share the information with fellow travellers.

You can use Gemini for simple questions using the microphone icon such as ‘What’s the time?’ or use the LIVE chat icon to have a conversation.

AI is another type of technology and is here to stay. It is important for me to embrace AI as I live my life toward being a healthy centenarian and keeping up with modern technology. AI will be a tool for my future research and to aid learning new information that will impact positively on my longevity.

I hope you will embrace and enjoy AI too. Have a go!!

Till next time- ‘Keep on Rocking and Rolling’.


1 Comment

  1. Hi Kim, thanks for the Ai update and encouraging its use. I’m trying!
    Sometimes it’s not as easy for the Boomers as the younger generations.
    I get by and succeed in my limited use of the technology. Christine xxxxx

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